Flash Forest drones can plant trees 10x faster than humans
The drones from the Canadian company, Flash Forest can plant trees 10 times faster than humans. The company uses the latest Drönarteknik in combination with aerial mapping software, pneumatics, automation, and ecological science to reforest areas at a rapid pace, especially areas that have been clear-cut or ravaged by wildfires.
Flash Forest drones can plant trees 10x faster than humans
Planting trees with a drone accelerates the rate of reforestation by at least 10 times compared to having humans do the hard work, according to Flash Forest. The company goes even further by saying that two humans could potentially control up to ten drones, and thus dramatically increase the rate at which trees can be planted.
The seed pods that are released by the drones contain prime seeds in a natural packet of balanced nutrients and other seedling boosters that can last for months in the field, according to Forbes.
The technology allows Flash Forest to map out the best planting locations and plants at a density of 1,000 to 2,000 trees per hectare, which is about 2.7 acres.
Afterward, people do check the areas that have been seeded to check on the conditions and see how well the seedlings are doing.
Flash Forest strives to lower the cost to $0.55 per tree, which is about 25% of the cost of traditional reforestation efforts. The company aims to plant 100,000 seed pods per day per two drönaroperatörer for now.
More stories about how drones can be used for good can be found här.
We’re in the running for a People’s Choice award through the New Ventures BC Competition and we need your help! Share with your friends and help us plant some trees. Vote for Flash Forest every 24-hours 🌳 https://t.co/4BxFIBlHUl#FlashForest #Sustainability #FF #NVBC pic.twitter.com/wQE8rwTH8z
— Flash Forest (@flash_forest) September 3, 2020
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Photo: Flash Forest
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