Elevating Emergency Response: Nokia and Citymesh Belgian Drone Initiative
In a decisive win, Nokia has secured a contract to provide Belgian Specialist Citymesh with a cutting-edge drone network platform and 70 DJI drone units. This deployment is set to provide crucial aerial data to emergency services across Belgium.
The agreement enligt uppgift comprises Nokia’s advanced Drone Networks platform, in addition to 70 ‘drone-in-a-box’ units. The capacity of this system, according to the vendor, is sufficient to establish a comprehensive 5G automated drone grid across the entire country.
Drone as a first responder
Strategically positioned in 35 emergency zones throughout Belgium, these drones and their docking stations will promptly collect vital data in the immediate aftermath of an incident, within the so-called ‘critical 15 minutes’.
Notably, these units will deliver high-definition, AI-enhanced thermal imaging to offer in-depth insights into factors like smoke plumes and fire parameters. They will also provide details about the number and location of individuals in the vicinity.
Emergency services will gain near real-time access to this data, vastly improving their ability to respond to situations swiftly and effectively.
Citymesh has branded this innovative system as ‘Sense’, and it has already undergone trials in various environments. These include the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, the City of Genk, Brussels Flygplats Company, and a fire brigade in Kortrijk.
Photos courtesy of Citymesh.
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