EHang Sets New Horizons in Urban Air Mobility with EH216-S UAV Launch in China

In a significant leap towards the future of (UAM), EHang Holdings Limited, a global leader in UAM technology, has unveiled the retail price for its pioneering EH216-S passenger-carrying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system.

At an official suggested retail price of RMB2.39 million or $410,000 outside of China, starting from April 1, 2024, is positioning itself at the forefront of the burgeoning low-altitude economy in and the global rise in demand for low-altitude aerial services.

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This pricing strategy reflects EHang’s commitment to meeting market demands while enhancing the value and appeal of electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft () and UAM technologies.

A Journey of Innovation and Recognition

The journey to this announcement has been marked by significant milestones. On October 13, 2023, the EH216-S UAV system received its Type Certificate (TC) from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), a pivotal step underscoring its compliance with stringent safety and operational standards.

This certification was followed by the issuance of a Standard Airworthiness Certificate (AC) on December 21, enabling EHang to deliver the first batch of EH216-S UAVs to customers.

Just a week later, the EH216-S showcased its commercial viability through successful flight demonstrations in Guangzhou and Hefei, marking it as the world’s first pilotless passenger-carrying eVTOL aircraft system to achieve standard airworthiness certification.

Ehang Sets New Horizons In Urban Air Mobility With Eh216-S Uav Launch In China

Expanding Horizons for Urban Air Mobility

The EH216-S is not just a technological marvel; it represents a new era of urban air transportation. Designed for commercial services like low-altitude sightseeing and urban tourism, the EH216-S is set to revolutionize how we perceive and utilize urban airspace.

With the support and from CAAC and its partners, EHang’s achievements highlight the potential of the low-altitude economy to serve as a catalyst for future economic growth in China.

A Vision for the Future

EHang’s Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Mr. Huazhi Hu, expressed deep gratitude towards the CAAC and partners for their support, emphasizing the company’s commitment to safety, innovation, and the broadening of UAM’s applicability.

EHang envisions a future where pilotless aerial vehicles are an integral part of daily life, offering a safe, autonomous, and eco-friendly alternative to conventional modes of transportation. This vision is not just about technological advancement but about reshaping the urban landscape and providing novel experiences to consumers worldwide.

A Leap into the Future

As EHang continues to forge partnerships and explore new operational scenarios, its focus remains on making UAM a common, beneficial feature of everyday life. The announcement of the EH216-S’s retail price is a testament to EHang’s leadership in the UAM industry and its dedication to innovation, safety, and sustainability. With the EH216-S, EHang is not just selling a product; it is offering a glimpse into the future of urban mobility, where the sky is no longer the limit but a vast expanse of possibilities.

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