Lilium and UrbanLink Forge New Path in U.S. Air Mobility

In a groundbreaking move for American aviation, Lilium N.V., a leading innovator in electric flight, has secured a substantial order from UrbanLink for 20 cutting-edge Lilium Jets, marking a significant shift towards sustainable air travel in the U.S.

A New Era Takes Flight

On May 6, 2024, in Miami, , Lilium N.V. announced a pivotal partnership with UrbanLink, a newly formed airline spearheaded by industry veteran Ed Wegel. This deal not only includes the delivery of 20 (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) jets—with an option for 20 more—but also sets UrbanLink as the first U.S. airline fully committed to integrating these electric aircraft into their operations.

The UrbanLink Vision

Under the leadership of Ed Wegel, who brings over four decades of experience in the aviation sector, UrbanLink aims to revolutionize urban mobility.

Wegel, with a history of raising over $1 billion for various aviation projects and spearheading multiple FAA certifications, commented, “While many airlines have discussed the potential of operating eVTOL aircraft, none have made a definitive commitment. UrbanLink will be the first airline in the U.S. to integrate eVTOL aircraft into its fleet.”

UrbanLink plans to establish a regional network that will connect major cities across South Florida, including Miami, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and extending to Marco Island. The service is expected to commence in 2026, promising a new era of efficient and sustainable regional connectivity.

The Lilium Advantage

The selection of the Lilium Jet by UrbanLink was driven by its superior design, range, capacity, and cost-effectiveness.

Lilium’s Chief Commercial Officer, Sebastien Borel, expressed pride in this partnership, noting, “This is a huge milestone, not only for Lilium but for the commercialization of eVTOLs in the U.S. The market for eVTOL aircraft has matured, and there is growing demand for aircraft that can provide connections between, rather than just within, cities.”

Future Horizons

This order from UrbanLink follows recent advancements at Lilium, including the start of assembly of the first Lilium Jet at the end of last year, with the first piloted flight test scheduled for late 2024. The partnership not only underscores the growing commercial interest in eVTOL technology but also highlights a significant commitment to sustainable aviation solutions.

UrbanLink’s bold move to integrate eVTOL aircraft into its fleet, supported by Lilium’s innovative technology, signals a transformative phase in U.S. aviation. This partnership could potentially set a precedent for the adoption of eco-friendly air travel solutions, reshaping how we think about regional transportation. As these electric jets prepare to take to the skies, the future of looks promising, aligning with broader goals of sustainability and innovation.

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