Amazon Prime Air Drones svävar längre med FAA-godkännande

‘s Prime Air delivery drones are set to fly farther than ever before, thanks to a recent approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The agency has granted Amazon permission to operate package delivery drones beyond visual line of sight (), a milestone that could significantly boost the company’s long-running ambition to deliver products to customers in just 30 minutes, according to The Verge.

Scaling Operations in Texas

With the regulatory hurdle out of the way, Amazon plans to immediately scale its operations in College Station, . The expansion will allow the company to fly more drones and make deliveries in more densely populated areas that are farther out. Amazon’s current MK27 drone, which can carry packages up to five pounds and is equipped with onboard detect-and-avoid capabilities, will be used in the expanded operations.

Lighter and Faster MK30 Drones in Development

In addition to the MK27, Amazon is also working on a new, lighter MK30 drone that can fly faster and through rain. This new drone model is expected to further enhance the capabilities of Amazon’s Prime Air delivery service.

Closure of California Testing Site and New Arizona Location

Amazon’s new FAA approval comes after the company shut down its testing operations site in Lockeford, , following a lengthy approval process to get customer deliveries running. The company is now in the process of opening a new Prime Air location in Tolleson, .

Other Drone Delivery Operators with BVLOS Clearance

Amazon’s BVLOS approval comes after several other drone delivery operators had already received clearance from the FAA, including UPS, Wing, FedEx, and .

DroneXL’s Take

The FAA’s approval for Amazon to operate its Prime Air delivery drones beyond visual line of sight is a significant step forward for the . This milestone not only paves the way for Amazon to expand its drone delivery operations but also sets a precedent for other companies looking to enter the market.

Som continues to advance, we can expect to see more widespread adoption of drone delivery services in the coming years. This development has the potential to revolutionize the way we receive packages, making the process faster, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly.

However, it is crucial that the FAA and other regulatory bodies continue to work closely with drönaroperatörer to ensure the safe integration of drones into our airspace. With proper regulations and safety measures in place, the future of drone delivery looks bright, and Amazon’s Prime Air service is poised to lead the way.

Featured photo courtesy of Amazon.

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Skaffa ditt Part 107-certifikat

Klara provet och ta dig upp i luften med Pilotinstitutet. Vi har hjälpt tusentals människor att bli flygplan och kommersiella drönarpiloter. Våra kurser är utformade av branschexperter för att hjälpa dig att klara FAA-tester och uppnå dina drömmar.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo är chefredaktör och grundare av, där han täcker alla drönarrelaterade nyheter, DJI-rykten och skriver drönarrecensioner, och, för alla nyheter relaterade till elfordon. Han är också en av värdarna för PiXL drönarutställning på YouTube och andra podcastplattformar. Haye kan nås på haye @ eller @hayekesteloo.

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