DJI Pro Teases New SDR Tech: What We Know So Far

DJI Pro is once again set to revolutionize the filming industry with its latest SDR technology. Igor Bogdanov’s recent Twitter posts have given us a sneak peek into what to expect from this upcoming product.

New Powerful and Compact Devices

Igor shared images of DJI’s new devices, highlighting their powerful and compact design. The photos reveal two distinct pieces of equipment that seem geared towards enhancing the user experience with advanced SDR capabilities.

Dji Pro Teases New Sdr Tech: What We Know So Far 2

File Format Options

Another teaser image shows a range of file format options, including XAVC HS 4K, XAVC S 4K, and XAVC S-I 4K. This variety indicates that the new SDR tech will support high-quality video formats, catering to professional filmmakers and content creators who require top-notch video resolution and quality.

Dji Pro Teases New Sdr Tech: What We Know So Far 3

Waiting in Anticipation

In one of his tweets, Igor mentioned simply “Waiting…” along with a close-up of a device featuring the DJI logo and the letters “TX.” This cryptic message has left many wondering about the potential functionalities and features that DJI might unveil with this new technology.

Revolutionizing Filming

Igor also hinted that DJI is “once again revolutionizing filming in a small way,” describing the new tech as “divine.” This suggests that the upcoming SDR tech could introduce subtle yet impactful changes that enhance the filming process, making it more efficient and versatile.

Hidden Secrets

Intriguingly, Igor quoted, “There are secrets hidden in the code of the world, Unlock them with a look.” This poetic hint suggests that DJI’s new SDR technology might incorporate advanced features or functionalities that are not immediately apparent but could significantly enhance user experience and capabilities.

FCC Listings Indicate Release Is Imminent

A recent FCC listing for DJI’s SDR transmission device, with IDs 2ANDR-TX53209, suggest that this new product is on the verge of entering the market. The application, submitted by SZ Technology Co., Ltd., were filed on June 14, 2024. This device supports a range of wireless features, including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and has undergone rigorous testing at TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen). This regulatory step is a clear signal that DJI’s innovative SDR technology will soon be available to consumers. For more details, check the FCC listing: TX53209.

DroneXL’s Take

DJI’s teasers through Igor Bogdanov’s tweets have certainly piqued the interest of the drone community. The combination of powerful, compact devices and high-quality file format support indicates that DJI is continuing its trend of pushing the boundaries of filming technology. As we await more details, it’s clear that DJI’s new SDR tech will be a game-changer for professionals in the industry.

Stay tuned to DroneXL for the latest updates and in-depth coverage of DJI’s new SDR technology.

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  1. Software defined radio is not new. It’s been used in Amateur Radio for some time. It replaced the front end, the ability to tune to a frequency without the traditional circuit eye. Instead it uses computer software to accomplish that.

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