Rogue Drone Flies Dangerously Close to Blue Angels, Sparking FAA Investigation
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has launched an investigation into a Drone Video captured at Pensacola Beach, Florida, earlier this month. The footage, which shows a drone flying perilously close to the Blue Angels as they returned from an airshow, has raised serious concerns about drone safety and regulations, according to Wear News.
A Close Call in the Skies
While neither the drone nor the Blue Angels’ aircraft were damaged in the incident, professional drone pilots have expressed alarm at the proximity of the unmanned aerial vehicle to the Navy’s flight demonstration squadron.
Chris Wallace, an FAA-certified professional drone pilot, didn’t mince words when describing the video: “Very dangerous for the pilot. In fact, dangerous for all the pilots. If there was an emergency situation and they needed to veer from the path that they’re on, the drone was right dead in their path.”
Wallace emphasized the potential catastrophic consequences, stating, “If a bird could take an airplane down, a drone could take an airplane down.”
FAA’s Response and Ongoing Concerns
The FAA is now scrutinizing the video to determine if any rules or regulations were violated. This incident isn’t an isolated case, as the agency reports frequent close encounters between drones and manned aircraft.
According to an FAA report, there were 327 reports of drones coming too close to aircraft and airports nationwide between January and March of this year alone. With over 800,000 registered drones in the U.S., the need for strict regulations and adherence to safety protocols is more critical than ever.
Drone Regulations and Pilot Responsibilities
Jeff Rose, UAS Chief Pilot of Sinclair Broadcast Group, highlighted the fundamental rule for all drönarpiloter:
“All drönarpiloter — whether you’re professional or recreational — have the obligation to stay away from any crewed aircraft. Also no aircraft could be operated in a careless or reckless manner.”
The FAA mandates that all drone owners register their aircraft and complete the FÖRTROENDE safety course. Professional training programs, like the one offered by Sinclair at Virginia Tech, emphasize the importance of checking for temporary flight restrictions and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs).
Potential Consequences
Wallace warned aspiring copycats about the serious repercussions of such reckless behavior: “Don’t take this guy’s lead and do it yourself, because there is a hefty fine.”
DroneXL’s Take
This incident at Pensacola Beach serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible drone operation. As Drönarteknik continues to advance and become more accessible, it’s crucial that operators understand and respect the rules of the sky.
DroneXL recently reported on this drone incident, emphasizing the recklessness of the drönarpilot’s actions. Such behavior not only endangers lives but also threatens to tarnish the reputation of the broader drone community, potentially leading to stricter regulations that could hamper legitimate and beneficial drone applications.
As drone enthusiasts and professionals, we must prioritize safety and adherence to regulations. By doing so, we can continue to explore the exciting possibilities of drone technology while ensuring the safety of all airspace users.
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Föreslagen lagstiftning hotar din möjlighet att använda drönare för nöje, arbete och säkerhet. Den Alliansen för drönaradvokater är att kämpa för att säkerställa att din röst hörs i dessa kritiska politiska diskussioner. Gå med oss och berätta för dina valda tjänstemän att skydda din rätt att flyga.
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Klara provet och ta dig upp i luften med Pilotinstitutet. Vi har hjälpt tusentals människor att bli flygplan och kommersiella drönarpiloter. Våra kurser är utformade av branschexperter för att hjälpa dig att klara FAA-tester och uppnå dina drömmar.
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