DJI Releases New Firmware for Zenmuse H30 Series, Enhancing Night Vision and Performance

DJI, the leading drone manufacturer, has announced a new firmware update for its Zenmuse H30 Series payloads, bringing significant improvements to night vision capabilities and overall performance. The update, released on July 18, 2024, aims to enhance the functionality of these advanced camera systems used in enterprise and public safety applications.

Key Firmware Enhancements

Den (version V10.01.07.03) introduces several notable improvements:

  1. Added support for switching the night scene level automatically according to the ambient brightness if Auto Night Scene mode is enabled and saving Auto Night Scene setting after powering off.
  2. Fixed issue: When Pre-Rec mode was enabled, the night scene level cannot be automatically enabled if Night Scene mode was set to Auto.
  3. Optimized the alignment between photos taken by the zoom camera and the selected area in High-Res Photo mode in some scenarios.
  4. Optimized the image quality of visible-light cameras in some scenarios.
  5. Optimized the logic of video splitting. The maximum splitting length of the video is up to 45 minutes.
  6. Optimized Panorama mode to reduce shooting time.
  7. Fixed issue: When restarting the H30 series payload with Pre-Rec mode enabled, the recorded video file displayed a different shooting time from the actual time by 8 hours.
  8. Fixed issue: If the zoom ratio was set to more than 200x for the waypoint action, the zoom camera cannot reach the preset zoom ratio during the flight task.
  9. Added support to detect the storage fragmentation of the microSD card. A prompt will be displayed to remind users to back up files and format if it is severely fragmented.
Dji Releases New Firmware For Zenmuse H30 Series, Enhancing Night Vision And Performance
DJI Releases New Firmware for Zenmuse H30 Series, Enhancing Night Vision and Performance

Zenmuse H30 Series Capabilities

The Zenmuse H30 Series is a versatile payload system designed for DJI’s enterprise drones. It offers impressive imaging capabilities:

  • Wide-angle camera: 48MP effective pixels with ISO up to 409,600 in Night Scene mode
  • Zoom camera: 40MP resolution with 34x optical zoom and 400x digital zoom
  • Thermal camera (H30T model): 1280 x 1024 resolution at 30fps with 32x digital zoom

“The H30T model integrates five major modules: a wide-angle camera, zoom camera, infrared thermal camera, laser range finder, and NIR (Near-Infrared) auxiliary light,” making it a comprehensive tool for various industries.

Compatibility and Installation

The new firmware is compatible with the M350 RTK and M300 RTK aircraft, requiring specific firmware versions for each component. Users can update their Zenmuse H30 Series payloads via microSD card or through the “Update All” feature in the DJI Pilot 2 App.

DroneXL’s Take

This firmware update for the Zenmuse H30 Series demonstrates DJI’s commitment to continually improving its enterprise-grade drone payloads. The enhancements to night vision capabilities and overall performance are particularly significant for public safety and emergency response applications. As drones become increasingly integral to these sectors, such updates ensure that operators have access to the most advanced and reliable imaging technology available. The Zenmuse H30 Series, with its multi-sensor integration and impressive specs, continues to set the standard for aerial imaging in professional environments.

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