US Senators Urged to Ban Chinese DJI Drones from American Skies

As we reported recently, a new push to ban DJI drones is underway in the US Senate. This latest attempt comes after a previous proposal to outlaw the Chinese-made unmanned aircraft was dropped from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), according to The Register.

The push for a DJI drone ban

The original ban was proposed by Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) as part of her Countering CCP Drone Act. While it was initially included in the House version of the NDAA, the Senate Armed Services Committee’s version omitted the ban.

However, the fight isn’t over. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has proposed an amendment to reintroduce the ban in its entirety. This move has garnered some bipartisan support, indicating that the issue of Chinese-made drones in US airspace remains a hot topic.

DJI Drones Security concerns

The push to ban DJI drones stems from security concerns raised by US agencies. The FBI and CISA have warned that these drones could potentially collect data about America and its inhabitants, which could then be sent back to Beijing.

“DJI drones could collect data about America and its inhabitants while out and about and send that info back to Beijing,” the warnings suggest.

Political landscape

The fate of the DJI drone ban remains uncertain. While Republicans hold a majority in the House, the Senate is more evenly split. The Democrats technically control the Senate with 50 members (including four independents) to the Republicans’ 49, plus the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Harris.

Even if Senator Scott’s amendment doesn’t pass, the differing versions of the NDAA between the House and Senate could lead to further negotiations, providing another opportunity for the ban to be reinstated.

Potential impact

If passed, the ban would significantly impact DJI’s operations in the US. While private individuals can currently purchase and use DJI equipment, the company has faced various sanctions from the US government in recent years.

DroneXL’s Take

The potential ban on DJI drones highlights the growing tension between national security concerns and the widespread use of consumer . While security is paramount, it’s important to consider the impact on legitimate drone users, from hobbyists to professional cinematographers.

At DroneXL, we’ve been following DJI’s responses to security concerns closely. The company has consistently maintained that user data is secure and not shared with the Chinese government. As the continues to evolve, finding a balance between security and innovation will be crucial for the future of unmanned aerial vehicles in the US.

Full disclosure, DroneXL is against banning DJI drones as is suggested in these proposals. We believe there is a smarter way to help grow and develop the drone industry in the . We also believe that instead of banning drones based on country of origin, the focus should be in developing security standards that should be met by drone manufacturers.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo är chefredaktör och grundare av, där han täcker alla drönarrelaterade nyheter, DJI-rykten och skriver drönarrecensioner, och, för alla nyheter relaterade till elfordon. Han är också en av värdarna för PiXL drönarutställning på YouTube och andra podcastplattformar. Haye kan nås på haye @ eller @hayekesteloo.

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En kommentar

  1. these political parasites in the washington disctrict of criminals are just going to keep on trying until something gets through.

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