Hamilton County’s Drone Team Gears Up for Expanded Operations with FAA Licensing

The Hamilton County Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Team in is taking steps to broaden its drone capabilities, according to Local 3 News. Team members recently underwent training for the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Test, aiming to obtain individual FAA licenses.

Expanding Drone Capabilities

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) says this new licensing will open up more opportunities for public engagement. These include:

  • Participating in community events
  • Enhancing privacy
  • Taking on missions not covered by their current Certificate of Authorization (COA)

“This license will expand the team’s capabilities by creating more opportunities for public engagement through community events, enhancing privacy education, and undertaking missions not covered by our current Certificate of Authorization,” the HCSO stated.

Current Drone Operations

The UAS team, which includes members from both the HCSO and Hamilton County Emergency Management (HCEMA), already conducts various missions under their standard COA. These include:

Recent Deployment

The team’s versatility was recently demonstrated during a fugitive manhunt in East Ridge, where they utilized their UAS Command Vehicle.

Commitment to Safety and Service

The Hamilton County UAS Team emphasized their dedication to safe operations and serving the citizens of Hamilton County. The recent training and pursuit of individual FAA licenses underscore this commitment to enhancing their capabilities and service to the community.

Hamilton County'S Drone Team Gears Up For Expanded Operations With Faa Licensing 2

DroneXL’s Take

The Hamilton County UAS Team’s initiative to obtain individual FAA Del 107 certificates is a significant step towards expanding drone operations in public safety. This move aligns with a growing trend among law enforcement and emergency response agencies to integrate more comprehensively into their operations.

By pursuing these certifications, the team is not only enhancing its operational capabilities but also demonstrating a commitment to regulatory compliance and public . This approach could serve as a model for other counties and cities looking to develop or expand their drone programs responsibly.

The potential for increased community engagement through drone operations is particularly noteworthy. As DroneXL has previously reported, addressing privacy concerns and educating the public about drone use in law enforcement is crucial for building förtroende and acceptance. The Hamilton County team’s focus on privacy education as part of their expanded capabilities is a positive step in this direction.

Photos courtesy of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO)

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Skaffa ditt Part 107-certifikat

Klara provet och ta dig upp i luften med Pilotinstitutet. Vi har hjälpt tusentals människor att bli flygplan och kommersiella drönarpiloter. Våra kurser är utformade av branschexperter för att hjälpa dig att klara FAA-tester och uppnå dina drömmar.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo är chefredaktör och grundare av DroneXL.co, där han täcker alla drönarrelaterade nyheter, DJI-rykten och skriver drönarrecensioner, och EVXL.co, för alla nyheter relaterade till elfordon. Han är också en av värdarna för PiXL drönarutställning på YouTube och andra podcastplattformar. Haye kan nås på haye @ dronexl.co eller @hayekesteloo.

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