New DJI Air 3S Leaked: What We Know So Far
A Closer Look at the DJI Air 3S
DJI’s next big release, the Air 3S, has surfaced in a recent leak from the well-known source OsitaLV on Twitter. The leaked photo reveals the front of the yet-to-be-released drone, showcasing several design changes that hint at improved performance and new features. As always, OsitaLV’s insights are sparking discussions in the drone community, especially around the dual-camera setup and the potential for enhanced obstacle avoidance technology.
Redesigned Dual-Camera System
One of the most notable aspects of the leaked DJI Air 3S is the redesigned dual-camera and gimbal housing. The new design appears more streamlined compared to its predecessors, likely aimed at improving aerodynamic efficiency, which could translate to better flight performance. The photo clearly shows the DJI logo on the camera, although details about the field of view and aperture remain illegible at this point.
Enhanced Obstacle Avoidance?
Another significant feature observed in the leaked image is the sensor setup. The Air 3S seems to sport two wide-angle obstacle avoidance sensors at the front. Additionally, there’s a mysterious sensor array positioned in the middle, which some speculate could be a LiDAR or ToF (Time-of-Flight) sensor. If true, this would mark a substantial upgrade in tracking and obstacle avoidance capabilities, a feature that DJI has been steadily enhancing in its recent models.
What to Expect Next
While the exact specifications of the cameras and sensors are still under wraps, rumors suggest that the DJI Air 3S will offer improved image and video quality, possibly due to larger sensors. As the launch date approaches, more leaks and details are expected to emerge, shedding light on what this new drone will bring to the table.
DroneXL’s Take
The leak of the DJI Air 3S is generating considerable excitement among drone enthusiasts, and for good reason. The potential inclusion of advanced sensors like LiDAR could significantly elevate the drone’s capabilities, particularly in challenging environments. As we await more details, it’s clear that the Air 3S is poised to build on DJI’s reputation for innovation in Drönarteknik.
For more insights into DJI’s latest releases and innovations, check out our DJI Air 3 category and our coverage of DJI rykten to stay updated on the latest developments.
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