
Florida Drones: Discover the latest drone news and regulations in Florida. Stay informed on how drones are impacting the state’s industries and communities.

Drones Race Against Time To Save Lives In Cardiac Emergencies 1

Drones Race Against Time to Save Lives in Cardiac Emergencies

In a groundbreaking initiative, drones are set to become First Responders in cardiac emergencies, potentially saving lives by delivering automated external defibrillators (AEDs) faster than traditional emergency services. This innovative approach is being tested in several locations across the United…

What To Do When Someone Shoots At Your Drone

Someone Shoots Down Your Drone, What Do You Do?

Essential Safety Protocols for Drone Pilots Drones have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, raising concerns about privacy and property rights. As these unmanned aerial vehicles soar through the skies, some individuals have taken matters into their own hands, attempting…

Noaa Deploys Saildrones To Better Predict Hurricanes 9

NOAA Deploys Saildrones to Better Predict Hurricanes

Drones Enhance Disaster Response and Weather Prediction According to a recent report from ABC 11 Eyewitness News, drones are playing an increasingly vital role in both responding to natural disasters and improving their prediction. This technological advancement is creating new…

Skydio X10 Drone Introduction With Adam Bry

Chinese Drone Dominance Sparks Concern in US Congress

According to a recent report by The Washington Post, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party is raising alarms about China‘s growing dominance in the Drone Industry. The committee’s findings reveal a startling statistic: Chinese companies produce 90%…

Sanningen om Dji's datasäkerhet

Sanningen om DJI:s datasäkerhet

DJI står inför ett potentiellt förbud i USA DJI är på väg att förbjudas här i USA baserat på falska påståenden och det påverkar alla som använder sina drönare. Det spelar ingen roll om du flyger på fritiden ...

Walmart Integrates Drone Delivery And Expands Ai Features 14

Walmart integrerar drönarleveranser och utökar AI-funktioner

Walmart revolutionerar sin leverans- och shoppingupplevelse med nya teknikinitiativ, bland annat genom att integrera drönarleveranser i sin app och förbättra sin AI-kapacitet. Låt oss dyka in i de viktigaste uppdateringarna som Walmart rullar ut. App-baserade drönarleveransbeställningar som börjar i ...
