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Part 107 Commercial Drone License Course Pilot Institute Dronexl
Tracking Tests With Dji Neo And E-Bike

Tracking Tests with DJI Neo and E-Bike

Good day, folks! Shawn here from Air Photography. Today, we’re going to do some tracking tests with my e-bike and the DJI Neo, which I’m currently using to record this video. I’m capturing audio on the DJI Mic 2, and…

The Truth About Dji Drones And National Security

The Truth About DJI Drones and National Security

The continued effort by American lawmakers to ban DJI from selling its products in the United States is centered around the idea that it’s in the best interests of national security. However, many entities, including myself, believe this claim is…

Dji Launches New Drone: The Dji Neo

DJI Launches New Drone: The DJI Neo

Good day folks, Shawn here from Air Photography. Today, DJI has launched a brand new drone called the DJI Neo, and I think this drone is going to be very appealing to many types of users due to its capability…

Dji Neo First Follow Me Flight And Unboxing

Unboxing and First Flight: DJI Neo Drone

Alright, so it’s that time again! We’ve got a brand new drone from DJI, and in today’s video, we’re going to be unboxing it and taking it out for its very first flight. This video is going to be exciting…

Ukraine Unveils Balloon-Carried Drone Detection System 2

Ukraine Unveils Balloon-Carried Drone Detection System

Ukraine has developed an innovative balloon-carried electronic warfare system designed to detect enemy drone operators, offering a more comprehensive solution than tackling individual drones. The system, known as Aero Azimuth, points to a resurgence in interest in elevated sensors, especially…

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Föreslagen lagstiftning hotar din möjlighet att använda drönare för nöje, arbete och säkerhet. Den Alliansen för drönaradvokater är att kämpa för att säkerställa att din röst hörs i dessa kritiska politiska diskussioner. Gå med oss och berätta för dina valda tjänstemän att skydda din rätt att flyga.

Alliansen för drönaradvokater
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Klara provet och ta dig upp i luften med Pilotinstitutet. Vi har hjälpt tusentals människor att bli flygplan och kommersiella drönarpiloter. Våra kurser är utformade av branschexperter för att hjälpa dig att klara FAA-tester och uppnå dina drömmar.

pilotinstitutet dronexl

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