
Alphabet'S Wing Announces Autonomous Drone Delivery Expansion - Wing Expands Aircraft Library By Developing Larger Delivery Drones

Alphabet'in Wing'i Otonom Drone Teslimatı Genişlemesini Duyurdu

Google'ın ana şirketi Alphabet'in sahibi olduğu drone teslimat şirketi Wing, otonom drone teslimat sistemini Canberra (Avustralya), Helsinki (Finlandiya), Christiansburg (Virginia, ABD) ve Dallas-Fort Worth bölgesi (Teksas, ABD) gibi orijinal test şehirlerinin ötesine genişleteceğini duyurdu.....

Wing Drone Delivery Teams Up With Doordash In Australia

Wing drone delivery teams up with DoorDash in Australia

Together, DoorDash and Alphabet’s Wing will make it easier for people to have their purchases delivered to them by drone. A limited percentage of DoorDash customers in Logan, Australia, will be able to purchase certain convenience and supermarket goods using…
