Поліцейський безпілотник шукає голих і топлес на пляжі міст-близнюків
A поліцейський безпілотник looks for nude and topless sunbathers at Twin Cities beach in Міннесота. The Golden Valley Поліція. Department used a drone to catch beachgoers breaking the law.
Поліцейський безпілотник шукає голих і топлес на пляжі міст-близнюків
The Golden Valley Police Department used a drone to catch beachgoers breaking the law by sunbathing nude or topless at a beach at Twin Lake, west of Theodore Wirth Park in Minnesota.
Apparently, the beach is a well-known spot where people can bare their bodies while enjoying the nice weather. However, when the police received repeated complaints of sunbathers going topless or nude as well as people drinking alcohol or using drugs, the local police took action.
Last Friday, the Golden Valley Police Department used a drone to catch the law-breaking sunbathers in the act.
Elsie Olin who frequents the hidden beach said:
“It’s really well known for being a safe place to just be comfortable.”
However, Olin learned last Friday that her freedom of expression wasn’t free from consequences as police officers came to the beach and began taking information from sunbathers to possibly cited them for being topless or nude.
CBS Minnesota reported that Golden Valley Police Det. Sgt. Randy Mahlen says something had to be done.
“It had reached the point where it was time for people to be held accountable for their actions,” Mahlen said.
During the spring and summer to Police Department received more than a dozen complaints regarding people being nude drinking alcohol or doing drugs at this hidden beach. Seven officers were sent to the beach to reportedly only educate beachgoers on the laws and to give warnings.
Mahlen said that a number of people were caught in the act thanks to a поліцейський безпілотник that was surveying the bench from a distance. Since the beach is a public space, using a drone to monitor it is a Юридичний police surveillance action apparently.
“What it did was validate all of these complaints we’ve been getting from residents,” Mahlen said. “It would be no different than a surveillance camera in a public place for a high-crime area.”
Not surprisingly, the police officers were not welcomed by the beachgoers and as the atmosphere change, the officers decided to leave the scene and let the people be.
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Photo: CBS Minnesota
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