DJI Mavic 3 Cinematic video of Madeira in 5K

Check out this cinematic video that was shot on the DJI Mavic 3 of the island of Madeira, . The beautiful video was made by Denis Barbas who recently spent a little more than a week in what he calls one of his favorite places on Earth.

Barbas said: “We only spent 8 days on this beautiful and majestic island but I think it’s safe to say that it is by far one of my favorite places on Earth!

Waking up early in the morning, when everyone else is still sleeping, chasing the sunrise, or hike back in the dark cause you didn’t want to miss the sunset up in the mountains, meeting amazing people that share the same interests as you, this is a feeling that only a photographer or videographer knows very well.

We’ve been shooting every single day, the whole week was very exhaustive to say the least, and even though the conditions were not “perfect”, with most of the time raining and cloudy/foggy weather, I still would not have it any other way, cause these are the moments that I live for!

Check Out This Dji Mavic 3 Cinematic Video That Was Shot On The Dji Mavic 3 Of The Island Of Madeira, Spain. The Beautiful Video Was Made By Denis Barbas Who Recently Spent A Little More Than A Week In What He Calls One Of His Favorite Places On Earth.

DJI Mavic 3 cinematic video of Madeira in 5K

The 5K video shot with the is less than four minutes long but definitely worth watching if you like to see what can be done with the latest DJI drone.

Be sure to watch it all the way to the end to see some of the behind-the-scenes footage showing the dedication that went into creating this short film. Well done!

Also, be sure to like and subscribe to Barbas’ youTube channel if you appreciate his work.

YouTube відео
Dji Mavic 3 Cinematic Video Of Madeira In 5K 1

Let us know what you think of this DJI Mavic 3 cinematic video footage in the comments below.

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