FAA Authorization Extended, DJI FlyCart FCC Approval, Matrice 3D, and Events!

Welcome to the Weekly UAS News Update. This week, we bring you four notable stories.

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FAA Authorization Extended

First on our list: the FAA Authorization Act has seen an extension until December 31st, 2023. For those unfamiliar, the FAA Reauthorization Act occurs every few years, with the last one happening in 2018. The next one is slated for 2023. This act provides guidance to the FAA from Congress about their next course of action.

While we’ve glimpsed some drafts, the final authorization, initially expected in recent days, has been deferred to year’s end. As a move to prevent a government shutdown, this authorization has received a 45-day extension. Yet, as pointed out by the National Air Traffic Controller Association’s president, this feels like Congress delaying the inevitable. If the government does shut down in November, funding will cease.

The focus, he insists, should be on securing funding immediately, not 45 days down the line. There’s speculation that Congress is on the hunt for the promised $50 modules. We promise to keep you abreast of any FAA reauthorization updates.

DJI FlyCart Gets FCC Approval

Our second story centers on DJI’s FlyCart 30, their latest delivery drone. Despite some feeling that our updates heavily feature DJI, the truth is they are currently one of the few companies pioneering new drone hardware. Excluding the Skydio X10 drone discussed a few weeks ago, not much else is emerging from other manufacturers. Interestingly, DJI has filed with the FCC to permit the drone’s operation in the U.S.

This drone, a coaxial quadcopter, boasts eight propellers, a maximum payload of roughly 85-90 pounds, a 16 km range, and 18 minutes of flight time. Outfitted with DJI’s OcuSync 3, the drone features obstacle avoidance, , and a built-in parachute. We’ll monitor this development and keep you updated.

DJI Matrice 3D Leak!

In another DJI-related story, we have a leaked video showcasing the straight from DJI’s offices. Rumored to be the Matrice 30 replacement, this new drone offers fixed arms rather than the folding variety. The sensor payload seems comparable, if not identical, to the Thermal. Additional features include an SDK mounting spot, built-in RTK, and obstacle avoidance. We hope to bring more updates from diverse brands in future editions.

Upcoming Events

On the event front, we’re excited about the Colorado Drone Air Show in Fort Collins this weekend. Our team will be present from Thursday, setting up for Friday and Saturday. Another contingent will be at the AZ Drone Fest in Phoenix, . If you’re attending either event, do drop by to meet our team. We have some exciting swag on offer and an array of drones to check out. For those in , we’re also hosting drone demos. Beginners can learn the ropes and experience their maiden flight. We also have a tent and an educational tent lined up. It promises to be a significant event.

That wraps up this week’s update. Have a splendid weekend, and we’ll reconvene next week.

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