Drones in Public Safety: The Future Unfolds at the 2024 National Public Safety UAS Conference

Harnessing Drones for Public Safety

У "The 2024 National Public Safety Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Conference is set to revolutionize the way drones are used in public safety. Scheduled for March 12 and 13 at the scenic Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia, this conference promises to be a groundbreaking event for professionals in the field.

Drones In Public Safety: The Future Unfolds At The 2024 National Public Safety Uas Conference

A Glimpse into the Future of UAS

This year’s conference will showcase an array of presentations, offering insights into the latest advancements and practical applications of drones in public safety. Notable sessions include:

  • Insights from the London, UK Fire Brigade & National Chiefs’ Council on drone deployment in urban public safety scenarios.
  • A detailed of the East Palestine, OH Train Derailment, Fire & Spill, illustrating how drones can be pivotal in disaster response.
  • An overview of the Maui , highlighting the role of drones in combating and managing wildfires.
  • Discussions on Combining Satellite & Drone Imagery by Overwatch Aero, exploring new frontiers in aerial surveillance.
  • Updates on Drone Imagery & GIS, Counter UAS strategies, and the latest FAA Aviation Rule-Making.
  • Special sessions on Law Enforcement Drones in managing public protests and the latest in Drone First Responder (DFR) updates.
  • Extensive opportunities for networking, hands-on demonstrations, and interaction with industry-leading exhibitors.

Venue and Accommodation

The conference, promising engaging and informative sessions, will be complemented by the beautiful backdrop of Busch Gardens. Participants can enjoy a comfortable stay at the host hotel, Doubletree by Hilton Williamsburg VA, with special rates available through the Courtesy Rate Booking Link. Attendees are encouraged to book early due to the first-come, first-served policy and potential fluctuations in regular rates.

The photos below are from last year‘s conference.

Join the Community

For those keen on staying ahead in the rapidly evolving world of UAS in public safety, becoming a DRONERESPONDERS member is recommended. Membership offers exclusive updates and information on upcoming events and developments in the field.

Reflection on the Past, Vision for the Future

Attendees can also revisit the highlights and learnings from the previous year’s conference. A video showcasing footage from the 2023 Conference is available, providing a glimpse into the informative and collaborative environment that participants can expect.

In conclusion, the 2024 National Public Safety UAS Conference promises to be a pivotal event, offering valuable insights, knowledge, and networking opportunities for professionals dedicated to advancing public safety through innovative .

Click here to register for the event.

Photos courtesy of Drone Responders.

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