Порівняння рівня шуму DJI Avata 2 з DJI Air 3 та Avata
Good day, folks! Shawn here from Air Photography. The DJI Avata 2 has just been released, and it’s actually a pretty incredible drone. I’ve already done a full Огляд of it, and I’ll include a link down in the description of this video where you can go and check that out.
It has a ton of new features, enhancements, and improvements, and one of the new enhancements is that it’s much quieter than its predecessor. This is rated at 81 dB, which is the same loudness as the Air 3. In this video, we’re just going to do a quick sound comparison and see what they sound like side by side.
Avata vs Avata 2
To start out, we’re just going to do a quick comparison of the original Avata against the new Avata 2.
I’m not quite sure how that sounded on video, but it is noticeably quite a bit quieter. I was actually out flying with a friend the other day, and that was the first thing he noticed before I even mentioned that it was one of the new improvements. He noticed that it is much quieter, even when flying at high rates of speed.
That can be very important. Not everybody’s a fan of drones, so having a quieter drone is not going to draw as much attention to yourself. These FPV-style drones can get very loud and very intimidating to people who are in the area, so that’s definitely a welcome bonus.
Avata 2 vs Air 3
Now, let’s go ahead and compare the Avata 2 to the Air 3 and see what the sound difference is.
So there you go, folks! Just a quick little video, a sound comparison of the DJI Avata 2 against the original Avata and the Air 3. It is definitely much quieter than the original Avata, and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy with that.
Again, just a short little video. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. If you want to check out my full review of the Avata 2, I will link it down in the description of this video.
Thanks a lot for watching, and we’ll see you in the next one!
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