DJI Avata 2 and DJI Goggles 2, Goggles Integra Now Compatible

DJI Avata 2 Firmware Update: New Compatibility and Features

Good day, folks! Shawn here from Air Photography. I have a quick video update for you today. This for the 2 is substantial, and many people are going to be quite happy with it. Most notably, the DJI Avata 2 is now compatible with the previous generation of goggles and controllers.

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Compatibility with Previous Generation

You can now use the Avata 2 with the DJI FPV Controller 2, the 2, and the Goggles Integra, as well as the 2. Of course, you will have to update the firmware of all devices, including the goggles, controller, and the drone itself. If you have the Motion Controller 2 and want to use it with the Avata 2, you will need to update it as well.

You can update the firmware through the , or you can plug each individual component into a computer or laptop and use the app to update each component one at a time. Once all the firmware is updated, you can go ahead and bind the devices to the Goggles 2, the Goggles Integra, and the FPV Controller 2.

A Person Holding A Drone

Switching Firmware

Keep in mind you will have to switch the firmware in the goggles to the firmware for the Avata 2. You can do this by going to “Status” at the top, selecting “Switch,” and then selecting the DJI Avata 2. Many users have been holding off on purchasing the Avata 2 until it became compatible with the older generation of equipment. Now, you can purchase it and use it with your existing goggles and controller. I’m not sure if the Avata 2 is available for purchase as a standalone product yet, but it should be shortly now that everything is compatible.

New Features and Enhancements

With this update, the Motion Controller 2 also got support for Easy Acro, allowing you to use it just like the Motion Controller 3. You can use the joystick to perform various aerial maneuvers such as flips, rolls, and drifting. You just have to enable it in the settings.

Additionally, the Avata 2 got some updates for functionality as well. You can now film at 4K 100, allowing you to capture some nice slow-motion footage. On top of that, DJI has added the Color Assist display when filming in D-Log M. When filming in D-Log M, you have the option of turning Color Assist on or off. Having it on will give you a more accurate representation of what the footage will look like, making it easier to see fine details. The video saved to the memory card will still be in the flat color profile, but this feature makes flying and filming in a flat color profile much easier.

A Screenshot Of A Camera Settings. Dji Avata 2 And Dji Goggles 2, Goggles Integra Now Compatible

This is definitely some great news for the Avata 2 and for people who have been waiting to purchase it so they could use it with their older goggles and FPV controller. The DJI Avata 2 has been a pleasure to fly. If you’re a regular to my channel, you know how much I love the original Avata. It’s probably one of my all-time favorite drones, and now with the Avata 2, there are so many more new enhancements and features, making it even better.

Well, folks, as mentioned, this was just a quick little firmware update video for you today. Hopefully, you enjoyed this video and got some value out of it. Give it a thumbs up if you did; it’s always greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot for watching, and we’ll see you in the next one!

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Hi my name is Shawn and I love filming and capturing this beautiful planet of ours with my GoPro and DJI drones. My channel features some of the camera gear I really enjoy and want to share. Every week I will be uploading new unboxings, reviews and tutorials for your GoPro and drones to help you get the most out of them. Tips and tricks that will help you capture beautiful cinematic drone videos as well as stunning time-lapses.

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