Drone Footage Reveals MrBeast’s Massive Reality TV Set in Toronto

A colossal reality TV set for YouTuber MrBeast’s upcoming show “Beast Games” has materialized in Toronto’s north end, as revealed by recent drone footage from CBC News. The aerial images showcase a walled-off compound containing what appears to be a miniature town, complete with identical houses and circular gardens.

Drone Footage Reveals Mrbeast'S Massive Reality Tv Set In Toronto 1
Beast Games Arena

A Glimpse into the Beast Games Arena

У "The , captured by Patrick Morrell, offer a bird’s-eye view of the elaborate set near the abandoned Downsview . The images reveal:

  • A large cement tower at one end of the set
  • Approximately 12 single-storey houses arranged in two rows
  • A road dotted with circular gardens
  • The entire set surrounded by a red wall

Toronto City Hall’s film and entertainment department confirmed that MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, is indeed filming at Downsview Park.

Drone Footage Reveals Mrbeast'S Massive Reality Tv Set In Toronto 2
Beast Games Arena

High Stakes and Controversy

“Beast Games,” a collaboration between MrBeast and MGM Studios, promises to be the “biggest reality competition series ever,” with around 1,000 participants vying for a $5 million grand prize. However, the production has been mired in controversy, including recent concerns about the internal culture of Donaldson’s company and issues during earlier filming.

Drone Footage Reveals Mrbeast'S Massive Reality Tv Set In Toronto 3
Beast Games Arena

Drone No-Fly Zone and Production Details

While exact filming dates remain undisclosed, Transport has issued a no-fly zone for the area from August 21 to September 6, requested by “a production company.” The production is non-unionized, according to ACTRA Toronto.

John Oates, an emeritus professor of developmental psychology involved in creating guidelines for reality TV productions, expressed concerns about the non-union status: “If you’re not in a union … you don’t have a route to raise issues without jeopardizing your position in the production.”

Drone Footage Reveals Mrbeast'S Massive Reality Tv Set In Toronto 4
No Fly Zone around Downsview Park and the Beast Games Arena.

DroneXL’s Take

The use of to capture and reveal the scale of MrBeast’s “Beast Games” set demonstrates the growing importance of aerial imagery in both journalism and entertainment. As we’ve seen in recent drone photos coverage, unmanned aerial vehicles are increasingly becoming essential tools for providing unique perspectives on large-scale events and productions.

The controversy surrounding the show’s production also raises important questions about the role of drones in maintaining transparency and accountability in the entertainment industry. As the line between social media stardom and traditional television blurs, drones may play an even more crucial role in documenting these evolving forms of entertainment.

What are your thoughts on the use of drones to reveal behind-the-scenes details of major productions like “Beast Games”? Share your opinions in the comments section below.

Photos courtesy of CBC News and Patrick Morrell.

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