DJI Air 3S Now Available for Registration in Japan: Release imminent

The DJI Air 3S drone is now officially available for selection on the Japanese government’s drone registration website, according to a post by Sara-cool*Drone, Gadget on X. Typically this means that the drone would be released in the next few weeks, explains Sara-Cool.

Registration Details

The post reveals that the DJI Air 3S can now be registered on the DIPS (Drone/UAS Information Platform System) website, which is the official drone registration platform for . The registration process includes inputting key details such as:

  • UA manufacturer name: DJI
  • UA model: DJI Air 3S
  • UA category: Rotorcraft (Multirotor)
  • UA serial number

Built-in Remote ID Confirmed

One of the notable and expected features confirmed for the DJI Air 3S is its built-in capability. The registration form includes a “Remote ID Type” field, where users can select “Yes (built-in)” for this model. This built-in Remote ID functionality is crucial for compliance with evolving drone regulations in many , including Japan and the .

Significance for Drone Operators

The availability of the DJI Air 3S on Japan’s official registration platform is significant for several reasons:

  1. Compliance: It allows drone operators in Japan to legally register and operate the new model.
  2. Feature Confirmation: It officially confirms the drone’s built-in Remote ID capability.
  3. Market Availability: It suggests that the DJI Air 3S will soon be available for purchase in the Japanese market.

DroneXL’s Take

The introduction of the DJI Air 3S to Japan’s official registration system is another important indication that the launch of the DJI Air 3S is imminent. Furthermore, since most DJI products are launched globally at the same time, it likely means that we will see the DJI Air 3S hit the US market in the next few weeks as well.

Are you excited about the upcoming release of the DJI Air 3S drone? Let us know your thoughts and most desired features in the comments below.

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