Whitehall are looking to buy a $49,000 drone to help in their missions. The drone, which would be supplied by Paladin, a -based company, is expected to provide quick intel, assist in search and recovery missions, and offer surveillance for SWAT operations. This move is part of a broader effort to enhance public safety in the city, reports NBC4I.

Drone’s Role in Enhancing Public Safety

The drone is seen as a game-changer for the Whitehall police department.

Chief Mike Crispen is optimistic about the potential benefits, saying, “Due to the success of other agencies, I am convinced this will be a tremendous asset for the city of Whitehall and provide a safer environment for our officers.”

The drone could be used for a variety of tasks, from providing fast intel to first responders and dispatchers to helping with overhead videography of incidents.

Whitehall Police Aim To Buy $49K Paladin Drone To Aid First Responders
Whitehall Police Aim to Buy $49K Paladin Drone to Aid First Responders

Concerns and Questions from City Council

While the drone seems promising, some City Council members have raised concerns. At a Sept. 10 committee meeting, council members asked questions about the drone’s functions and logistics.

They were told that these questions would be answered during a live demonstration, but this demonstration could only take place after the city enters into the agreement and pays the $49,000 associated cost.

Citizen comments on the livestream of the Sept. 10 meeting also raised concerns about transparency and privacy. Chief Crispen acknowledged these concerns but noted that no policies have been established yet, as the project is still in development.

“Our eventual policy will incorporate Constitutional rights of privacy,” Crispen said. “It is my understanding that everything done on the system is logged.”

Funding and Next Steps

The project would be funded by the Law Enforcement Fund, which is designated for forfeited and confiscated money and must be used for public safety and law enforcement purposes. According to the Sept. 10 discussion, this sum is already in the fund.

The next council committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. It’s not yet known if the drone will be discussed, but that will be the last scheduled meeting for council before Oct. 1. Chief Crispen has shared a sample contract provided to the city by Paladin with NBC4. According to the sample contract, the $49,000 would be an annual billing if they wanted the program to continue.

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DroneXL’s Take

The potential use of drones by the Whitehall police highlights the growing role of in public safety. As seen in other cities, drones can significantly enhance the capabilities of first responders, providing real-time information and aiding in missions. This move aligns with the broader trend of integrating drones into law enforcement, as discussed in recent articles on DroneXL’s First Responders category.

The use of drones in law enforcement is not without its challenges, particularly concerning privacy and transparency. However, with proper policies and oversight, drones can be a powerful tool for enhancing public safety. As the Whitehall police move forward with this initiative, it will be crucial to address these concerns and ensure that the technology is used responsibly.

What are your thoughts on the use of drones in law enforcement? Leave your comments below.

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