Ukrainian Forces Deploy ‘Dragon Drones’ with Thermite Canisters in Eastern Front

Ukrainian soldiers are taking drone warfare to new heights, attaching thermite-spewing canisters to create “dragon drones” capable of raining molten metal on enemy positions. This latest innovation in the ongoing drone arms race was reported by The New York Times after observing Ukrainian forces near the front lines in eastern .

The Birth of the Dragon Drone

Capt. Viacheslav, commander of the 68th Separate Jaeger Brigade’s strike drone company, faced a persistent challenge: Russian soldiers using dense tree lines for cover. Traditional methods proved ineffective, leading to the development of these incendiary drones.

“We used a lot of resources to try and drive them out and destroy them,” Viacheslav explained. The solution? Attaching thermite canisters to drones, creating weapons that spit molten metal burning at 4,400°F (2,427°C).

Ukrainian Forces Deploy 'Dragon Drones' With Thermite Canisters In Eastern Front

How Dragon Drones Work

These modified drones sweep over Russian defensive positions, releasing burning metal before crashing. The intense heat ignites vegetation, exposing enemy troops and equipment to direct attacks.

Thermite, a mixture of aluminum and iron oxide, produces a self-sustaining reaction that’s nearly impossible to extinguish. It’s been used in warfare since World War I, primarily in artillery shells and hand grenades. Now, it’s taking to the skies.

Rapid Proliferation and Russian Response

Ukrainian soldiers have been sharing videos of dragon drone attacks on social media, likely aiming to instill fear in enemy ranks. The tactic’s effectiveness hasn’t gone unnoticed – Russian forces have begun producing their own versions of these incendiary drones.

Moscow politician Andrey Medvedev recently posted a video showing Russian troops using similar drones against Ukrainian soldiers, quoting “Game of Thrones”: “Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”

Ukrainian Forces Deploy 'Dragon Drones' With Thermite Canisters In Eastern Front
The tactic of drones with thermite canisters was quickly copied by the Russian military.

The Wider Drone Arms Race

Dragon drones represent just a fraction of the rapidly expanding drone fleets employed by both sides. Ukraine’s President Zelensky announced plans to produce 1.5 million drones this year, with a goal of ramping up to 4 million annually. , meanwhile, has increased military spending by 25% to over $145 billion, with a significant focus on drone production.

“They’ve taken it to a more official level, and their supply seems much better,” Capt. Viacheslav noted about Russia’s drone efforts.

Ukrainian Forces Deploy 'Dragon Drones' With Thermite Canisters In Eastern Front
The tactic of drones with thermite canisters was quickly copied by the Russian military.

DroneXL’s Take

The emergence of “dragon drones” in Ukraine highlights the rapid pace of innovation in drone warfare. As we’ve seen in recent reports on drone technology, both commercial and military drone development continues to push boundaries. While these thermite-equipped drones represent a concerning escalation, they also demonstrate the critical role of unmanned systems in modern conflicts.

Як evolves, it’s crucial for the industry to balance innovation with responsible use. The potential for civilian applications of advanced drone tech remains vast, even as military use cases continue to expand.

What are your thoughts on this latest development in drone warfare? Share your perspective in the comments below.

Photos courtesy of X

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