Large unidentified drones conducting repeated nighttime operations over central and northern have sparked official action, with 21 Morris County mayors demanding an investigation from Governor Phil Murphy. The ongoing incidents, which began in mid-November, have raised particular concern due to the aircraft’s proximity to sensitive locations, including military installations and former President Trump’s Bedminster golf course, reports ABC News.

Scale and Scope of Sightings

The magnitude of the situation became clearer in recent days, with Governor Murphy revealing that in a single night, authorities recorded 49 reported drone sightings, with 20 concentrated in Hunterdon County alone. However, the governor noted that these numbers include some misidentifications.

“Some of these numbers are overstated,” Murphy explained. “For example, one was a fixed-wing aircraft—a small Piper plane—that someone thought was a drone. If I saw the same thing, that counts as two reports. But it’s still a non-zero number.”

Mystery Drones Over New Jersey Prompt Mayoral And Congressional Action

Official Investigation and Response

The situation has drawn high-level federal attention, with Governor Murphy spending “pretty much all day” in discussions with officials and top Homeland Security leadership. Despite the intense scrutiny, Murphy emphasized there’s no evidence of immediate danger.

“We see no evidence—and by ‘we,’ I mean Homeland Security, the FBI, the Secret Service, state , and authorities at all levels of government—that there is any concern for public safety,” he stated.

However, the sophisticated nature of the aircraft has complicated investigation efforts.

“These drones are very sophisticated. The minute you get eyes on them, they go dark,” Murphy reported, adding particular concern about sensitive targets and critical infrastructure, including military assets, utility infrastructure, and former President Trump’s property in the state.

Representative Tom Kean has joined the chorus of concerned voices, calling for the і FAA to “deploy greater resources” and conduct an immediate public briefing on the situation. The FAA has responded by implementing temporary flight restrictions in the affected areas.

Investigation Challenges and Public Response

While some reported sightings have been explained—including the misidentified Piper aircraft—many remain mysterious.

Murphy addressed rumors of downed drones: “We are not aware of any nefarious drone that has crashed. There have been a couple of rumored drone downings… One turned out to be a toy, and the other was never found. But having physical equipment on the ground would be extremely helpful.”

The governor has urged continued public vigilance and reporting, encouraging residents to contact the FBI або local law enforcement with sightings while acknowledging public frustration over the lack of answers.

“I don’t blame people for being frustrated… it’s really frustrating that we don’t have more answers about where these drones are coming from or why they’re doing what they’re doing,” Murphy stated.


For the , these incidents highlight critical challenges in balancing operational security with public transparency. While advanced drone operations are becoming more common for legitimate commercial and government applications, the lack of clear communication channels between operators and local communities can create unnecessary tension and potentially harm public acceptance of .

The sophisticated nature of these operations, as described by state leadership, underscores the need for more robust drone identification systems and improved coordination between federal authorities and local officials. As Representative Kean emphasized, “The people of New Jersey deserve answers,” and establishing clear protocols for community notification and verification of legitimate operations becomes increasingly critical as drone technology continues to advance.

Murphy’s commitment to transparency—”If we know something, I’m not going to hide it”—combined with the ongoing federal investigation suggests this situation represents a significant challenge in addressing unauthorized drone operations, particularly those involving sophisticated technology capable of evading detection.

Photo courtesy of Brendan Schulman / UPA James / X

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Хей Кестелоо
Хей Кестелоо

Haye Kesteloo is a leading drone industry expert and Editor in Chief of і, where he covers drone technology, industry developments, and electric mobility trends. With over nine years of specialized coverage in unmanned aerial systems, his insights have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, and cited by The Brookings Institute, Foreign Policy, Politico and others.

Before founding, Kesteloo built his expertise at DroneDJ. He currently co-hosts the Виставка дронів PiXL on YouTube and podcast platforms, sharing industry insights with a global audience. His reporting has influenced policy discussions and been referenced in federal documents, establishing him as an authoritative voice in drone technology and regulation. He can be reached at haye @ or @hayekesteloo.

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