Drone Delivery Canada starts process for commercial entry into USA
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is pleased to announce that it has commenced the process to enter the USA market as a drone delivery operator.
Drone Delivery: Discover the future of delivery by drone. Stay updated on the latest advancements in drone delivery technology and its global impact.
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is pleased to announce that it has commenced the process to enter the USA market as a drone delivery operator.
Deuce Drone and Rouses Market will test groceries delivered by drone for customers in Mobile, Alabama this fall.
To avoid human contact, facemasks will be delivered to hospitals in Mexico by drone. Donations of antibacterial gel, facemasks, gloves, 3D-printed face shields, and other basic supplies have been delivered by unmanned aircraft to healthcare workers, says Sincronia Logistica.
Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) Corp. had entered into a commercial agreement with the David McAntony Gibson Foundation to use service drones to Beausoleil First Nation (BFN) community in Ontario earlier this month. Now a second delivery agreement has been signed…
Компанія Swoop Aero, що базується в Мельбурні, Австралія, будує та експлуатує дрони для транспортування медичних вантажів, щойно оголосила про залучення восьмизначного інвестиційного раунду. Компанія-розробник медичних дронів використає ці кошти для встановлення своєї присутності в Новій Зеландії та сертифікації...
Major supplier of aerospace products, Honeywell International Inc. announced on Monday that it will launch a new business unit to enter the Drone Industry. The new department will focus on the autonomous aviation space, including drones, air taxis, unmanned cargo…
Here’s a great article on Amazon Prime Air. It provides a lot of insight of what has been going on behind the scenes of the e-commerce giant’s drone team. Will we finally see Amazon Prime Air take off in the…
Google’s sister company Wing will deliver library books to kids in Virginia this season so that they can do their summer reading. The books will be delivered to students in the state’s Montgomery County School District.
If you like to take a peek into the future of air freight transportation, then I would recommend reading the following article that was published today in IEEE Spectrum. In it, Ed De Reyes, a retired Air Force test pilot,…
Drone deliveries are taking off in Scotland 10 weeks after the Coronavirus pandemic peaked. Vital supplies, such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and Covid-19 testing kits, now arrive by drone up to four times a day on the isle of…
Ohio State Highway Patrol Troopers said that a Cleveland man was caught red-handed while smuggling contraband by drone into Mansfield prison in Ohio.
A truck and drone delivery system could be the future of last-mile delivery logistics, however, significant regulatory hurdles are preventing the model from taking off, say MIT researchers.
According to a new Gartner report, cities should prepare for drone deliveries. it says that by 2026 more than one million drones could be making retail deliveries.
This is a big deal! The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved Zipline’s drone delivery system in North Carolina. It appears that the coronavirus pandemic has pushed the government agency to fast-track beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) medical drone deliveries in the U.S.
During the Coronavirus, Wing’s drone delivery service has made thousands of deliveries in Australia and around the world. Wing Aviation is a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet and has been testing with its drone delivery service in Australia for…
Last Friday, a DJI Matrice 210 RTK delivered a package to the world’s largest ship, the ‘Pioneering Spirit’ from Allseas. The drone delivery is part of a project organized by Dutch Drone Delta, Allseas, and the Port of Rotterdam Authority,…
Компанія Matternet, що базується в Маунтін-В'ю, штат Каліфорнія, яка займається розробкою безпілотних літальних апаратів і відома своїм партнерством з UPS, готує свої вантажні дрони M2 до цьогорічних випробувань на міцність і надійність, які проводить Федеральне управління цивільної авіації США (FAA). Випробування наблизять компанію до отримання...
In the UK, tests are underway with a very large drone, the size of a car, to deliver medical supplies to hospitals to help ease pressure on the country’s health system during the new Coronavirus crisis.
В Ірландії люди почали використовувати дрони, щоб доставляти пиво Guinness місцевим клієнтам і таким чином піднімати їм настрій у розпал пандемії коронавірусу та локдауну.
This guy is clearly tired of waiting on Amazon, and probably the Federal Aviation Administration, so he decides to start his own drone delivery service to bring food through UberEATS to customers with a DJI Mavic 2 Pro.
The good people of The Drone U were able to discover something that is not widely known within the Drone Industry. In the United States, commercial drone pilots can deliver packages by drone under their Part 107 Certificate if they…
Manna Aero that has already started trials to deliver medication by drone is in talks to bring door-to-door prescriptions delivered by drone to the UK soon.
Дрони UPS доставлятимуть ліки від CVS до найбільшої в країні спільноти пенсіонерів. Метою служби доставки дронів є захист людей похилого віку, а також працівників аптек від зараження коронавірусом.
Drones from Zipline are used in Ghana to enable faster coronavirus testing. The company said on Monday the drones are now being used to test before outside of major cities.
Today in the New Haven Register a reporter writes about ordering a sandwich by drone in New Haven, Connecticut. The drone delivery service, Kiki Air, was started by a Yale student. Here are some of the highlights of that story.
The coronavirus crisis has lead to many new use-cases for drones. We have already seen drones sing Happy Birthday songs, shout at people to stay inside and now also deliver the Soccer Player of the Month award by drone to…
The international medical team that accomplished the world’s first documented drone delivery of insulin for a patient living in a remote community described the project in an ENDO 2020 abstract that will be published in the Journal of the Endocrine…
Here’s another great article about ZIpline and the fact that this drone company is ready to deploy medical drone deliveries to fight COVID-19 across the United States. It makes you wonder if the FAA will be able to keep up…
The WSJ had a great article [paywall] about deliveries by drones last week. It covers Wing Aviation, Amazon, DJI, UPS, Flytrex and the lesser-known company, and a subsidiary from Flytrex, Aha that delivers coffee by drone in Iceland. Here are…
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we have seen the use of drones expand quite dramatically in a number of Countries. For instance in China, Spain, and France local police are using unmanned aircraft to communicate to the public to…