Drone footage shows Ghislaine Maxwell’s secluded hideaway in NH

This drone footage shows just how secluded Ghislaine Maxwell’s hideaway in really was. The British socialite was hiding in the mountainous area until the feds came knocking on her door last Thursday morning.

Drone footage shows Ghislaine Maxwell’s secluded hideaway in NH

Ghislaine Maxwell went into hiding in this luxurious $1 million home near Bradford, NH, after the infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and charged with sex trafficking last year.

The drone footage that was obtained by the NY Post shows Ghislaine Maxwell’s hideaway along a 5-mile mountain ridge of Mount Sunapee, an area well-known for skiing and hiking.

Drone Footage Shows Ghislaine Maxwell'S Secluded Hideaway In Nh 1

Drone Footage Shows Ghislaine Maxwell'S Secluded Hideaway In Nh 2

At the end of a half-mile driveway, the 4,300-square-foot house sits on 156 acres of land, making it an ideal place to hide.

Ghislain Maxwell bought the secluded home in an all-cash deal in December of 2019, through what prosecutors called a ‘carefully anonymous LLC’ in court papers according to the NY Post.

Locked up in a New Hampshire prison, Maxwell is now waiting to be transferred over to face trial in Manhattan for allegedly recruiting underage girls so that her ex-lover Epstein could abuse them.

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