Police drone supports dramatic ice rescue on Mississippi Lake

This video was shot with the 警用无人机 that aided in a dramatic ice rescue on the Lake by locating the victims and providing a spotlight during a dark, snowy night.

Drone supports dramatic ice rescue on Mississippi Lake

On the first day of the new year, two men, 57 and 26, were ice-fishing on Mississippi Lake near Carleton Place, in Ontario, , when the surface suddenly gave way under them. It happened just before 8 pm and while the younger man was able to pull himself out of the freezing water, the 57-year-old kept falling through the ice.

The younger man had trouble keeping his friend from going under in the icy water. In the video, you can hear the 26-year-old cry for help as the older fisherman is quickly losing strength after having been in the water for more than 45 minutes.

At one point in the video, you can hear the 57-year-old man saying that he’s dying while his younger companion urges him to hold on to the rope while pleading to the dispatcher to send help quickly.

“He’s barely got the rope. He has like 30 seconds and he’s going under,” the younger man tells the dispatcher, reports the Ottowa Citizen.

Because of the unsafe conditions, the paramedics had to wait for the to bring in special equipment to safely rescue the 57-year-old man. After what must have seemed like an eternity, the older man was finally pulled out of the water and taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

This video from the Ontario Provincial Police drone provides an aerial perspective of the dramatic rescue. The police drone was used for good to locate the victims and provide a spotlight while recording the rescue.

"(《世界人权宣言》) warned that no ice is safe ice and this situation could’ve turned out very differently.

Police Drone Supports Dramatic Ice Rescue On Mississippi Lake 1


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Photo credit: Ontario Provincial Police

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