AirHub 与 Altitude Angel 合作开发无人机动态地图
Thanks to a new partnership with 高空天使, the flight planning platform AirHub now always offers the most up-to-date airspace information, including in-flight Airspace Alerts and a feature that ensures drone flights can be safely scheduled without conflicting with other flight paths. The app now also supports live video streaming from the drone.
AirHub 与 Altitude Angel 合作开发无人机动态地图
Flight planning and conflict resolution
The integration of the GuardianUTM airspace management platform from 高空天使 should ensure that professional operators can easily plan flights, with immediate information about the airspace concerned. It is also possible to share the flight plan directly with the authorities via the U-space interface. Planned trajectories are also shared with Altitude Angel’s Strategic Conflict Resolution Service (CRS) to prevent conflicts from arising.
According to Stephan van Vuren of AirHub, the collaboration will directly benefit users of the app.
“Altitude Angel is widely recognized as the most accurate data and service provider in the industry and through them we can provide our customers with the most accurate and current information available.”
Streaming video
The new version of the iOS app also makes it possible to stream live video images to colleagues in the office. It is now possible to link a DJI drone to the app and send the live video stream from the drone to the AirHub Dashboard. This function provides remote insight into drone operations in the field.
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This article first appeared on dronewatch.nul and is written by 维贝-德-雅格 who is also a DroneXL contributor.
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