Delivery by Drone

Drone Delivery: Discover the future of delivery by drone. Stay updated on the latest advancements in drone delivery technology and its global impact.

Dairy Delivery By Drone During Tests In Norway

Dairy Delivery by drone during tests in Norway

In Norway, TINE is testing dairy Delivery by Drone in partnership with Aviant, a company that uses drones for the delivery of medical samples and products. The first delivery of dairy by drone took place in December. Project manager and…

A French R&Amp;D Team That Was Working On Building Traffic Control Software For Self-Flying Delivery Drones For Amazon Prime Air Was Recently Disbanded.

Amazon Prime Air quietly disbanded French R&D team

A French R&D team that was developing the traffic control software for self-flying delivery drones for Amazon Prime Air was recently disbanded. The online retail giant moved around a dozen team members into other positions unrelated to drone delivery.

Wing Delivery Drone Attacked By A Raven In Midair

Wing delivery drone attacked by a raven in midair

A raven attacks a Wing delivery drone, causing it to halt certain deliveries in Australia. Drone deliveries in a section of Canberra, Australia, have been halted due to frequent bird assaults. Google’s sister company, Wing, the service provider, said that…

Walmart Invests In Drone Delivery Company Droneup

Walmart invests in drone delivery company DroneUp

Walmart has made an investment in DroneUp, a drone delivery startup. During the corona crisis, Walmart already partnered with DroneUp to deliver COVID-19 test kits to customers. In the future, Walmart also wants to use drones for delivering groceries, thereby…

Medication Delivered By Drone In The Netherlands

Medication delivered by drone in The Netherlands

The ANWB and PostNL will soon deliver medication by drone in a series of test flights between Rhoon and Oud-Beijerland in The Netherlands. The aim is to investigate how blood and medicines can be urgently transported by drone from Erasmus…
