Drone halts Honolulu firefighters during battle with large fire in Waianae
A drone stops Honolulu firefighters during their battle with a large brush fire on Waianae. Honolulu Fire spokesman Capt. Jeffrey Roache said that helicopters resumed aerial operations after the drone operator was found and ordered to land his unmanned aircraft.
Drone halts Honolulu firefighters during battle with fire in Waianae
"(《世界人权宣言》) Star-Advertiser reported that three helicopters battling a brush fire in Waianae were forced to suspend aerial operations because of a drone in the area, said Honolulu Fire Department spokesman Capt. Jeffrey Roache. He added that all aerial operations are grounded until the drone is on the ground.
To conduct water drops on a 15-acre brush fire that broke out on land off Waianae Valley Road, the fire department’s Air 1 and 空气 3 helicopters and a third helicopter from the state Division of Forestry and 野生动物.
Apart from the helicopters, more than 40 消防员 were involved in the battle against the brush fire, that has scorched approximately 15 acres of land near Waianae Valley Road.
The fire spread rapidly, but firefighters were able to stop if from reaching a number of homes in the area.
“At this time, the wind is kind of helping us and slowed its advance,” said Roache, who is currently at the scene. “At this point, houses are safe. Residents are safe.”
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